Training Courses

Hard Skills

The scheduled courses focus on technical follow-ups regarding the usage of all the products that we can provide our customers. Participants will learn the correct operative instructions and the basics of a proper ordinary maintenance, studying the physical principles, the rudimental technology and the internal structure of the machines as well. At the end of the course, there will be a final certificate of participation for each attendee. The courses can be structured according to the demands and needs of our customers, focusing on major points of interest.

Soft Skills.

Nuova Simat believes in the value and centrality of people, therefor we carry on an internal training project to increase the level of welfare and cooperation of our employees since several years. The project includes the study of topics such as communication, active listening, time management, stress management and many more, as well as the active practice of relaxation techniques, meditation, mindfulness and yoga. We believe so much in the importance of attention and care for the person, that we would like to share some “pills” of these moments with all of our customers as well, current or potential ones, and whoever will visit us during our open day and open house events.

Our courses

  • Torque tightening
  • Induction bolt heating
  • Valves maintenance
  • How to operate on a boring machine
  • Performing laser alignment
  • Welding
  • Effective time management
  • Stress management
  • Effective communication
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