Entrance on site: request for accreditation in a very short time
Every day, during our working day, we face lots of challenges, of many kind.
One of these? Be really fast in granting the entrance on site within 24 hours.
Our service on site lead us anywhere: from the Power Plant ENEL TVN in Civitavecchia to the Refinery of Milazzo in the South of Italy, often abroad.
We always succeed in reacting in a fast and efficient way to the accreditations’ requests for the entrance on site of our skilled technicians.
Each customer has their own document standard to follow, or their own SAP portal on which to load documents.
A highly qualified personnel, countinuously trained and technically prepared for service on-site, allows us to easily accredit our technicians at any construction site.
Thanks to an important organization of internal documentation, we can meet the complex requirements always on time so the entrance of our technicians on site will be fast and efficient.
The most important areas are:
- Administrative part: DURC, registration documents and certificates are always important
- Safety Part: it requires close collaboration with RSPP and labor doctor for the preparation of POS and / or DVRI
- Equipment compliant with ISO 9001 standards. It’s important that the equipment used on site are always in line with what the law requires
- All our equipment are accompanied with CE and manuals with the related maintenance schedules
- Qualified personnel. You can’t never forget the expiration time of the courses on safety and health fitness.
- Our team has a complex certification, including OPITO certified courses as BOSIET, H2S and OFFSHORE SURVIVAL, besides training FIRE, FIRST AID, SUPERVISORS, WORK AT A HEIGHT & 3rd CATEGORY PPE (personal protective equipment).
These four pillars along with a good and healthy work organization, represent a winning strategy to meet the demands of our customers in a very short time.
What will be the next challenges? We don’t know yet, but we take the bet and we’ll do our best to win it over!